Solving the Flactifs’s case with BLUESTAR® FORENSIC

This video retraces the police investigation at the Flactifs' home, after their 5 members had suddenly disappeared. By using BLUESTAR® FORENSIC, the investigators discovered that their home had been the scene of a multiple crime. The finding of a sixth person's blood then lead the police to the murderer.

Learning to use Bluestar®

This instructional video will show you how to use BLUESTAR® FORENSIC on a crime scene. Correct blood search procedure and methods are demonstrated by Philippe Esperança, a seasoned crime scene investigator and MS in criminalistics, and Jean-Marc Lefebvre-Despeaux, founder and chief executive of the BLUESTAR company. You will watch the re-enactment of a blood search inside a house. Each situation is explained in full details, from the preparation and spraying of the reagent under its different versions, pointing out false positive, tol evidence photography, collecting samples, and verifying blood with BLUESTAR OBTI...